Data Hygiene
Did you know industry estimates that between one and three percent of client data will grow old within a month?
When you establish procedures to remove failed and inaccurate email addresses, you maintain a positive ‘IP sending’ reputation, plus your emails successfully arrive into in-boxes.

- Email Lists
Update current business and consumer email addresses to your contact data base and perform a scrub service. The scrub process identifies active and failed records and can be completed in 1-2 days. Files are returned with one of three status codes: active, failed or unknown. Failed records must be removed prior to email sending.
- Postal Address Verification
Checks postal address at point of entry to correct transposed numbers, misspelled street names or missing contact information. Monies are not wasted on inefficiencies, time management is drastically improved, and ROI is significantly increased.
- Name and Identify Verification
By sending postal delivery with update name and address, clients can optimize outreach and delivery to their target audience. With clear correct data, you can have the intelligence to improve sales, marketing, and reaching successfully to the reader.
Did you know industry estimates that between one and three percent of client data will grow old within a month? When you establish procedures to remove failed and inaccurate email addresses, you maintain a positive ‘IP sending’ reputation, plus your emails successfully arrive into in-boxes.
- National Change of Address (NCOA)
To remove deceased records or identify an updated postal address, we apply a National Change of Address (NCOA) process against your list so you have the most up-to-date records available.
- Removal of Bad Records
National Change of Address (NCOA) and remove deceased records
- Household Data
Merge and purge duplicates
- Geography Appending
Add latitude and longitude along with census coding can update client’s records to include zip+4.
- Modeling and Profiling Data
Examine records from current database or a file to collect statistics, research or informative summaries on data demographics