Specialty Lists
We Offer a Wide Variety of Lists
When you match records used in your Digital Marketing campaign with smart audience segmentation you zero in on the audience segment by designing a well-crafted message. Let us help you cull the audience you desire tailoring smart data:
- Health Care Ailments
- Demographics
- Ethnicity, Community & Language
- Finance | Buyers
- Business: Owners | Professionals
- Automotive
- Entertainment
- Lifestyle
- Travel
- Sports & Fitness
- Health Care Ailments
- Acne
- Alzheimers
- Arthritis
- Athletes Foot
- Blood Disorder
- Bronchitis
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Chronic Pain
- Copd
- Diabetes Type 2
- Depression
- Dentures
- Emphysema
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease / Acid
- Gingivitis
- Gum Disease
- High Blood Pressure
- Hepatitus C – Self
- Hair Loss
- IBS – Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Indigestion
- Kidney Disease
- Lipitor Rx
- Menopause
- Menstrual Problems
- Nasal Allergies
- Obesity
- Osteoarthritis
- Premenstrual Syndrome-Disabling
- Prostate Cancer
- Respiratory Problems
- Sinusitis
- Spinal Injury
- Tobacco Use
- Weight
- Anxiety
- Asthma – Child
- Back Pain
- Blood Pressure
- Cancer
- Chronic Bronchitis
- Colon Cancer
- Dandruff
- Diabetes Juvenile
- Diet
- Depression/Anxiety
- Endometriosis
- Gestational Diabetes
- Glasses
- Hearing Aid
- High Cholesterol
- Hearing Difficulty
- Heart Disease or Attack
- Impotence/ ED
- Insomnia
- Lasik
- Lupus
- Macular Degeration
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma
- Oral Injectable Insulin
- Physical Handicap
- Premenstrual Syndrome
- Prostate Disorders
- Rheumatism
- Snoring
- Sensitive Teeth
- Ulcerative Colitis
- Wheelchair Rx
- Allergies
- Arteriosclerosis
- Asthma
- Bladder
- Breast Cancer
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Cholesterol
- Contacts
- Diabetes Type 1
- Diabetic
- Diet or ED
- Eczema
- Epilepsy
- Gambling
- Glucophage
- Heartburn
- Hepatitus C – Acquaintance
- Impotence
- Impaired Vision
- Lung Cancer
- Medical/ Medicade/ Disability
- Migraines or Headaches
- Nail Fungus
- Nasal Congestion
- Osteoporosis
- Parkinsons Disease
- Post Nasal Drip
- Psoriasis
- Restless Legs Syndrome
- Weight
- Tooth Decay
- Sinusitis
- Sore Throat
- Vision
- Demographics
- Age | Elders (80+) | Silent Generation (64-79) | Boomers (55-63) | Age Group (43-54) | Generation X (27-42) | Millennials (18-26)
- Education | Occupation | Household Income
- Ethnicity/Race | Geographic Location
- Dwelling Type | Homeowner | Property Owners | Medium Home Value
- Male/Female | Family Position | Presence of Adults | Presence of Children
- Religion | Religious Organizations
- Ethnicity, Community & Language
- African American
- Arabic
- Chinese
- Hebrew
- Italian
- Pashtu
- Russian
- American – Arab
- Asian
- French
- Hindu
- Japanese
- Polish
- Spanish
- American Indian
- Caucasian
- German
- Hispanic
- Korean
- Portuguese
- Vietnamese
- Finance
- Income Less Than $30K | Income $30-$80K | Income $81K-$100K | Income Greater Than $100K
- Wealth Top 10% | Wealth Top 20% | Wealth Top 30% | Wealth Top 50%
- Credit Card Holder | Owns A Premium American Express Card | Owns a Discover Card
- Bank Card Holder | Retail Card Holder | Owns A Premium Store/Retail Card
- Investment/Retirement Plans
- Business Owners
- Accountant | Builder | Contractor
- Dealer/Retailer/Storekeeper/Vendor | Distributor/Wholesaler
- Owner – Partner | Self-Employed
- Business Professionals
- Armed Forces
- Business Owner | President | Manager | Marketing Manager Sales
- Broker & Stock Trader | Insurance Agent | Army/Navy Credit Union
- Cosmetologist
- Dental Assistant | Hygienist | Dentist
- Health Care | Medical Facilities & Practices | Nurses | Nurses Aide and Orderly | Pharmacist/Pharmacy | Therapist & Physical/Occupational
- Pilot | Professional Truck Driver
- Teacher | Social Worker/Case Worker
- Trades | Laborer | Construction | Mechanic | Plumber
- Retired/Pensioner | Homemaker
- Buyers
- Books | Magazine | Sweepstakes Contests
- Consumer Electronics | Video Games | Computer Games
- Female Apparel | Male Apparel | Mail Other Clothing | Plus Size Clothing
- Food | Diet & Weight Loss | Collect Special Foods
- Health & Beauty Products | Jewelry
- Home Improvement | Home Decor | Home Furnishings
- Internet | Comcast Internet Users | Verizon Internet Users
- Mail Order | Mail Order Children’s Products | Mail Order Cosmetics | Mail Order DVD
- Membership | Value Hunters
- Opportunity Seekers/Self Improvement Enthusiasts
- Pet Owners
- Automotive
- Auto Enthusiasts
- Auto Owners | Motorcycle | RV Owner | Truck Owner
- Luxury Buyers | Hybrid Buyers | By Brand | By Class | By Age | By Budget Range
- In-Market Predictor
- After-Market | Repair Profile
- Entertainment
- Avid Readers | Reads Fashion | Reads Medical | Reads Health | Reads People | Reads Entertainment | Reads Sports | Reads World News/Politics
- Entertainment Enthusiasts | Music
- Interest in Cooking
- Satellite TV Owners
- Travel
- Personal | Business
- Rewards Card Holder | High End
- International | Cruises
- Casino | Gambling
- Lifestyle
- Collections & Hobbyists | Arts & Crafts | Hunting
- Do It Yourself | Self Improvement
- Elementary School | Middle School | High School | Part Time – Student
- Family | Children | Infants & Toddlers | Grandkids
- Healthy Living |Health & Beauty – Medical Conditions/Ailments – Disabled –
- Home & Garden | Gardening | Electronics, Computing & Home Office |New Movers/u crazy/
- Luxury Life
- Owns A Car | Owns A Dog
- Voters | Democrat | Republican | Contributors | Volunteer
- Sports & Fitness
- Sports-General
- Baseball | Basketball | Football | Golf | Hockey | NASCAR | Tennis
- Fitness | Running
- Great Outdoors | Fishing | Hunting | Snow Skiing
- Boating & Sailing | Scuba Diving